From Booking to Getting Paid this book tells you everything you need to know to guide you through your first gigs or damage control the bad ones. This book is intended for muscians who are new to playing out and seasoned pros who keep running into trouble at gigs.
Read the book now

The book covers everything that any band or solo artist needs to know about booking gigs and getting paid for those gigs and how to get along with the sound engineer.
Do you know what a Talent Buyer is? Do you know what he/she is looking for? Do you know the things to say to a Talent Buyer that will get you booked and the things to avoid saying that will hurt your chances?
We know and we’ve written it all out for you in the section on Booking.
Gigging has the answers – Buy it here
Wondering about whether or not to enter that Battle of the Bands? Or how to win that competitive showcase? Or what that music venue really wants from you? Or what happens if you piss off the bartender? Or why didn’t you get a sound check? Gigging answers all these questions.
Need to get some press? Want to take your band to the next level? This book will help you there, too.
Read this book and get the answers
Topics covered include :
- Booking
- Battles of the bands
- Showcases
- Basic promotion
- Soundcheck
- Getting Paid
- Many more!
3rd Edition – Out now!
Available as electronic download only.
Buy the book now as a PDF download, Only $9.99!
readable on almost any device!
Now Also available for the KINDLE:
Read it here – Now Only $4.99 Limited time offer at this price!!
2nd Edition includes 20 pages of new material!
Now Student-Friendly! (Clean language)
Read an Excerpt Here:
“Sooner or later every band will be invited to enter a Battle of the Bands. Each band struggles with the decision of whether or not they should enter.
We have been there and done that as everything from a spectator rooting for our favorites to being a judge and deciding who the winner will be. So we’re going to lay it all out there so you can make the best possible decision.
First off, our opinion, based on real-life observations, is that there is usually only one band that walks away from any battle happy. That’s the winner. All the other bands walk away pissed off, angry, and/or certain that the whole thing was unfair or even fixed. The only one who always comes out ahead is…”
Read the rest, buy the book here now!
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Join the thousands of other musicians just like you who have read this book and put its practical common sense lessons to use in the real world!
Buy Gigging, the book, here now!
What they’re saying about Gigging:
“David Barber’s new book, “Gigging: The Book” is an informative, well-written, and helpful guide to new musicians and experienced ones alike. He gives lots of great ways for artists to improve their visibility, get fans to shows and great tips on how to create authentic, lasting relationships with talent buyers and venue owners. Plus, it’s got a great sense of humor to it as well!”
Nina Storey, Professional touring artist
“This book should undoubtedly be put in the hands of every musician aspiring to not only play great gigs, but to be viewed professionally in the whirlwind of an industry.”
Tim Wenger, Colorado Music Buzz
“Barber…does a good job at letting total newbies know what to expect when setting up or playing their first gig…”
Brian F. Johnson, Marquee Magazine
“The book is written with a direct voice, as if Barber is speaking directly to you
and your musical issues, and his years if experience come across clearly…”
– Westword
Dave Barber is a true-blue veteran of the Denver music scene. He has absorbed the realities of the music business from the ground up, being out there in the clubs night after night, observing bands, club owners, soundmen, waitresses, and groupies act the hero and the fool-sometimes on the same night. His book, Gigging, is a nuts and bolts ABC of what to do, and even more importantly, what NOT to do as a beginning musician trying to break onto the local scene. His wisdom applies to any local scene because it is simple and universal. This ain’t rocket-science, but if you don’t know how to call a booking agent, talk to the soundman, or collect your dough at the end of the night it might as well be. I would suggest any inexperienced musician check out Dave’s book. If every young musician did, there would be a lot more successful bands and a lot fewer bored audiences. – Paul Epstein, Owner, Twist and Shout
Buy Gigging the book here now!
Get the answers you need to the following questions:
- How do you book a gig?
- What does the booking person really want to hear?
- Why aren’t you getting repeat bookings?
- Should you hire a booking agent?
- How do you promote your gig?
- Do you need a website?
- Should you use Twitter? or Facebook? or any of the others?
- How do you get publicity?
- What is a press release?
- What should you do to prepare for your upcoming gig?
- Where do you load in?
- What should you bring to the gig?
- What does the sound guy do?
- What is soundcheck?
- What is a line check?
- What is a Back Line?
- Should you sell merchandise?
- How do you get paid?
- What should you do if they try to rip you off?
- What is your genre?
- Should you enter a battle of the bands?
- Who always wins battles of the bands?
- What are showcases?
- How can you get into a showcase?
- Will there be a built-in crowd?
- What is the Green room?
- What is the green room for?
- Should you get high in the green room?
- What should you wear on stage?
All these questions and many more are answered in this book!